Friday, September 11, 2015

The Birth of Philippine Consolidated Showrooms

I was sitting one day in front of my PC looking for good deals on cars since my dad is planning to get one. I was looking at all the website of every car manufacturer in the Philippines. The process is that I go to Google and type the name of the manufacturer so that it will give me the specific site, then I have to do that again for another manufacturer. This got me to thinking, what if all the websites are consolidated into one place? Not just links to the websites but also basic facts about the vehicles you are planning to get, like engine type, power and torque figures as well as base price and color availability. So, my blog, Philippine Consolidated Showrooms was born.

Down below are names of the manufacturers selling cars in the Philippines. Just click the link to see more. Enjoy my blog. The blog is still a work in progress, I just published early so that I can start linking. The blog will grow as time goes by, so please be patient with me.


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